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Bücher in der Rubrik Nordamerika

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Bild Lagernummer Titel Autor Jahr Preis
Panama+-+Pacific+International++Exposition++Popular+Information 31694 Panama - Pacific International Exposition Popular Information 1915 88,00 €
Postcard+Municipal+Bridge+over+the+Mississippi%2C+St.+Louis 32424 Postcard Municipal Bridge over the Mississippi, St. Louis 1920 3,96 €
Prehistoric+Burial+Places+in+Maine 32402 Prehistoric Burial Places in Maine Charles C. Willoughby 1898 19,80 €
Progress+in+Biological+Inquiries+%28Fishery+in+sea%2C+rivers+and+lakes+mainly+North+america%29 16055 Progress in Biological Inquiries (Fishery in sea, rivers and lakes mainly North america) Higgins 1930 7,92 €
Propagation+and+Distribution+of+Food+Fish+1930 16043 Propagation and Distribution of Food Fish 1930 Leach Glen C. 1930 5,28 €
Rasmussens+Thulefahrt++2+Jahre+im+Schlitten+durch+unerf.+Eskimoland 35621 Rasmussens Thulefahrt 2 Jahre im Schlitten durch unerf. Eskimoland Knud rasmussen, Friedrich Sieburg (Übers.) 1926 30,00 €
Report+of+the+eight+Annual+Meeting++Held+at+Ottawa+January+161+-+19+1917 22824 Report of the eight Annual Meeting Held at Ottawa January 161 - 19 1917 Commission of Conservation Canada 1917 26,40 €
Report+of+the+International+Fisheries+Commission+appointed+under+Northern+Pacific+Halibut+treaty 16046 Report of the International Fisheries Commission appointed under Northern Pacific Halibut treaty Babcock 1930 7,92 €
Report+of+the+Philadelphia+Museums++The+commercial+Museum 14944 Report of the Philadelphia Museums The commercial Museum . 1924 19,80 €
Review+of+the+Fisheries+of+California 16047 Review of the Fisheries of California Fiedler 1930 3,96 €
Rio+Grande+Federal+Reclamation+Project+New+Mexico+Texas 34688 Rio Grande Federal Reclamation Project New Mexico Texas 1936 8,00 €
Rip+Van+Winkle++A+Legend+of+the+Hudson 29071 Rip Van Winkle A Legend of the Hudson Washington Irving 1887 19,80 €
Road+Atlas+of+the+United+Staes+Canada+and+Mexico 24451 Road Atlas of the United Staes Canada and Mexico Rand Mc Nally 1935 49,50 €
Rocky+Mountain+Views++On+the+Rio+Grande+ 21584 Rocky Mountain Views On the Rio Grande The van Noy Inter State Company 1917 44,00 €
Russische+Karte+von+Mittelamerika+und+Kuba 35310 Russische Karte von Mittelamerika und Kuba 1970 8,00 €
S%C3%A4mmtliche+Kinder+-+und+Jugendschriften++29.+Band+und+30.+Band++Geschichte+eines+Schiffbruchs+an+der+K%C3%BCste+von+Arrakan+in+Ostindien%2C++Geschichte+des+Schiffbruchs+und+der+ungl%C3%BCcklichen+Gefangenschaft+eine+jungen+Gr%C3%A4fin+von+Burke+im+Jahre+1719%2C++Schreiben+aus+Algier+von+Anton+Gottlieb+B%C3%B6hl%2C+Samuel+Turners+Gesandschaftsreise+an+den+Hof+des+Teschu+Lama+in+Tibet%2C+Reise+eines+Deutschen+nach+dem+See+Oneida+in+Nordamerika 29234 Sämmtliche Kinder - und Jugendschriften 29. Band und 30. Band Geschichte eines Schiffbruchs an der Küste von Arrakan in Ostindien, Geschichte des Schiffbruchs und der unglücklichen Gefangenschaft eine jungen Gräfin von Burke im Jahre 1719, Schreiben aus Algier von Anton Gottlieb Böhl, Samuel Turners Gesandschaftsreise an den Hof des Teschu Lama in Tibet, Reise eines Deutschen nach dem See Oneida in Nordamerika Joachim Heinrich Campe 1829 66,00 €
Santa+Barbara 24059 Santa Barbara 1930 15,84 €
Shorter+Contributions+to+general+Geology 18674 Shorter Contributions to general Geology Stanton T.W. 1932 22,00 €
Simplicity+the+fashion+magazine++Summer+1960++Pattern+Book 31198 Simplicity the fashion magazine Summer 1960 Pattern Book 1960 14,52 €
Slums+and+Bligthed+Areas+in+the+United+States 24439 Slums and Bligthed Areas in the United States Edith Elmer Wood 1936 19,80 €
So+war+Amerika 21903 So war Amerika Charels Sealsfield 1939 9,24 €
Soil+survey+of+Clay+County+Nebraska%3B+Soil+survey+of+Bay+County+Michigan 34716 Soil survey of Clay County Nebraska; Soil survey of Bay County Michigan Roberts, Gemmel, Wonser, Veach, Schoenmann 1927 18,00 €
Soil+Survey+of+Washington+County+Iowa 21210 Soil Survey of Washington County Iowa Orrben Buckhannan 1930 15,84 €
Soil+survey+Sheridan+County+Wyoming 24766 Soil survey Sheridan County Wyoming Thorp James 1939 14,52 €
Statistical+Atlas+of+the+United+States+1924 36289 Statistical Atlas of the United States 1924 Charles S. Sloane 1925 125,00 €
Statistics+of+the+Haddock+Fishery+in+North+Amerivan+Waters 16052 Statistics of the Haddock Fishery in North Amerivan Waters Needler 1930 3,96 €
The+All+-+American+Canal++Report+of+the+All-American+Canal+Board+++A+Canal+located+entirely+within+the+United+States+from+the+Colorado+River+at+Laguna+Dam+into+the+Imperial+Valley%2C+California 35335 The All - American Canal Report of the All-American Canal Board A Canal located entirely within the United States from the Colorado River at Laguna Dam into the Imperial Valley, California Meat, Schlecht, Grunsky 1920 22,00 €
The+American+woman%27s+home%2C+or%2C+Principles+of+domestic+science+%3A+being+a+guide+to+the+formation+and+maintenance+of+economical%2C+healthful%2C+beautiful%2C+and+Christian+homes 30467 The American woman's home, or, Principles of domestic science : being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes Catharine E. Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe 1869 162,00 €
The+Canadian+Indian++The+illustrated+history+of+the+great+tribes+of+Canada 22751 The Canadian Indian The illustrated history of the great tribes of Canada Fraser Symingto 1969 22,00 €
The+coal+fields+of+the+united+States+introduction+Ohio 8511 The coal fields of the united States introduction Ohio Campbell bownocker 1929 62,70 €