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The American woman's home, or, Principles of domestic science : being a guide to the formation and maintenance of economical, healthful, beautiful, and Christian homes

Lagernummer: 30467
Autor: Catharine E. Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe
Jahr: 1869
Rubrik 0: Nordamerika
Rubrik 1: Theologie
Rubrik 2: Architektur
Rubrik 3: Soziologie
Rubrik 4: selten
Preis: 162,00 €
Ford and Company New York 1869, 500 p., 77 text illustrations (figures) as two nice title plates,Original decorative Linen in good condition, the Co author Harriet Beecher Stowe was the writer of the very popular novel "Uncle Tom s cabin", together with her sister she edited this book, which is fundament of puritanian american lifestyle : "The Beecher sisters published The American Woman’s Home in 1869. Catherine lived with Harriet and her family while they worked on the advice book...The sisters added to and updated the blue prints for American homes. These blueprints still included parlors. But by 1865, Catherine and Harriett equated an American woman’s home with a church. The architectural blueprints included houses with steeples and naves, and parlors that doubled as schoolrooms and pulpits. The sisters argued that mothers were the ministers, indeed the heads, of the home. ", rare, selten
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