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Bücher in der Rubrik England

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Bild Lagernummer Titel Autor Jahr Preis
Imperium+Britannicum+%28+Vom+Inselstaat+zum+Weltreich+%29 25040 Imperium Britannicum ( Vom Inselstaat zum Weltreich ) Graf Otto 1937 8,00 €
Index+to+a+private+Collection+of+Notices+entituled+Memorabilia+of+the+City+of+Glasgow 21201 Index to a private Collection of Notices entituled Memorabilia of the City of Glasgow John Smith Maitland Club 1835 66,00 €
Irland 19039 Irland Pokorny 1916 14,52 €
Keystone+Water+Meter 35547 Keystone Water Meter 1903 34,00 €
Manual+of+Field+Works+%28All+Arms%29 35770 Manual of Field Works (All Arms) War office 1925 45,00 €
Motoring+and+Touring+map++including+Aberfeldy%2C+Callander%2C+Crieff%2C+Dumbarton%2C+Dunfermline%2C+Duneld%2C+Edinburgh%2C+Glasgow%2C+Kinross%2C+Lamark%2C+Paisley%2C+Peebles%2C+Perth%2C+Stirling 32478 Motoring and Touring map including Aberfeldy, Callander, Crieff, Dumbarton, Dunfermline, Duneld, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Kinross, Lamark, Paisley, Peebles, Perth, Stirling 0 24,20 €
Neuzeitliche+englische+Gefl%C3%BCgelzucht+-+Methoden++Die+Ergebnisse+einer+Studienreise+durch+vorbildliche+englische+Gefl%C3%BCgelh%C3%B6fe 35663 Neuzeitliche englische Geflügelzucht - Methoden Die Ergebnisse einer Studienreise durch vorbildliche englische Geflügelhöfe Kamseder, Pfenningstorff 1925 34,00 €
Nordland+-+Fahrten++Erster+Band+Malerische+Wanderungen+durch+Norwegen+u.+Schweden%2C+Irland%2C+Schottland%2C+England+und+Wales.+Mit+besonderer+Ber%C3%BCcksichtigung+von+Sage+und+Geschichte%2C+Literatur+und+Kunst 30571 Nordland - Fahrten Erster Band Malerische Wanderungen durch Norwegen u. Schweden, Irland, Schottland, England und Wales. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Sage und Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst 1881 88,00 €
Official+Guide+to+the+City+of+Norwich 24126 Official Guide to the City of Norwich 1932 19,80 €
Postcard+H+M+the+Queen+arriving+in+Portsmouth+Harbour 33037 Postcard H M the Queen arriving in Portsmouth Harbour 1905 5,28 €
Postkarte+adressiert+an+Gustav+Sakenfeld+in+Hull 23078 Postkarte adressiert an Gustav Sakenfeld in Hull . 1900 6,60 €
Report+for+the+Year+1938+preceded+by+a+short+historical+Account+of+the+Growth+and+Work+of+Society+since+its+inception+in+1839 20698 Report for the Year 1938 preceded by a short historical Account of the Growth and Work of Society since its inception in 1839 Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 1939 30,80 €
Report+on+the+Marketing+of+Potatoes+in+England+and+Wales 36329 Report on the Marketing of Potatoes in England and Wales Ministry of. Agriculture and Fisheries Economic 1927 18,00 €
Report+on+the+Marketing+of+Wheat%2C+Barley+and+Oats+in+England+and+Wales 36303 Report on the Marketing of Wheat, Barley and Oats in England and Wales Ministry of. Agriculture and Fisheries Economic 1928 24,00 €
Shakespeare+in+Pictoral+Art 33813 Shakespeare in Pictoral Art 1916 16,50 €
Sketch+of+the+reformation+in+England 24882 Sketch of the reformation in England Blunt Rev. 1875 20,00 €
SOS+Thetis++36+Stunden+zwichen+B%C3%B6rse+und+Tod 28663 SOS Thetis 36 Stunden zwichen Börse und Tod Graf Michael Alexander 1944 10,56 €
Specimens+of+English+From+the+7th+to+the+17th+Century 36131 Specimens of English From the 7th to the 17th Century Smirnitsky 1939 18,00 €
The+city+of+Manchester++1934++How+Manchester+is+managed++A+record+of+municipal+activity+with+a+description+of+the+city 36861 The city of Manchester 1934 How Manchester is managed A record of municipal activity with a description of the city Chas M. Little 1937 34,00 €
The+city+of+Manchester++1937++How+Manchester+is+managed++A+record+of+municipal+activity+with+a+description+of+the+city 36860 The city of Manchester 1937 How Manchester is managed A record of municipal activity with a description of the city Rowland Hill 1937 34,00 €
The+Comic+Almanack+and+Diary 31713 The Comic Almanack and Diary George Cruikshank 1852 112,50 €
The+Dual+Contour+Atlas 36954 The Dual Contour Atlas MCDOUGALL 1922 18,00 €
The+Geology+of+the+Country+around+Aldershot+and+Guildford 35539 The Geology of the Country around Aldershot and Guildford Dines, Edmunds 1929 34,00 €
The+Geology+of+the+Country+around+Wrexham++Part+I.+Lower+Palaeozoic+and+lower+Carboniferous+Rocks 35536 The Geology of the Country around Wrexham Part I. Lower Palaeozoic and lower Carboniferous Rocks Wedd, Smith, Wills 1927 24,00 €
The+History+of+England++Continued+from+the+Revolution+to+the+Accesion+of+King+George+II.++Illustrated+with+the+Heads+of+the+Kings%2C+Queens%2C+and+several+eminet+Persons%3B+also+with+Plans+of+Battle+and+Cities%2C+Maps%2C+Medals%2C+and+other+Copper+Plates+++Vol.+IV. 36059 The History of England Continued from the Revolution to the Accesion of King George II. Illustrated with the Heads of the Kings, Queens, and several eminet Persons; also with Plans of Battle and Cities, Maps, Medals, and other Copper Plates Vol. IV. Mr. Rapin de Thoyras, Tindal 1745 750,00 €
The+juveline+Gleaner++A+keepsake+for+the+young 32250 The juveline Gleaner A keepsake for the young J. W. Fitzharding 1832 66,00 €
The+Land+question+its+examination+and+solution+from+an+agricultural+point+of+view+as+illustrated+by+twenty+-+three+years+Experience+on+the+Wilton+House+Home+Farm%2C+Near+Salisbury%2C+Wilts 23266 The Land question its examination and solution from an agricultural point of view as illustrated by twenty - three years Experience on the Wilton House Home Farm, Near Salisbury, Wilts Thomas J. Elliot 1884 44,00 €
The+London+County+Council+1938 36261 The London County Council 1938 London County Council 1938 22,00 €
The+Natural+History+of+Selborne 34491 The Natural History of Selborne Gilbert White 1924 14,00 €
The+Royal+Engineer+Journal+March+1933+September+a.+December+1933 34848 The Royal Engineer Journal March 1933 September a. December 1933 1933 25,00 €