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The Baltic Review Nr. 1(1953) until Nr. 38(1971) but missing Nr. 4 and Nr. 14!

Lagernummer: 31915
Autor: Klesment, Berzins, Trimakas (Editors)
Jahr: 1953
Rubrik 0: Baltikum, Lettland, Estland
Rubrik 1: Allgemeine Geschichte
Rubrik 2: Litauen
Rubrik 3: Russland
Preis: 90,00 €
New York 1953 - 1971, each volume about 80 p., each volume has a map from Baltic countries on back cover, Articles about: The crime, For afree Baltic, Eisenhowers Message, Baltics and Russia, Tradition of cooperation, Resolutions, pschological warfare, so called liberation and soviet Policy, Sweden and Baltics, Death in Tundra, Genocide in baltics, Baltic Blackout, New Latvian envoy to US, USSR Production Statistics, Soviet and Nazi Tactics against Lithuania and Austria, Soviet Law in Estonia, Russification, Operation Camouflage, Geneve Conference, Deterioration of the Estonian, Schoolsystem in Latvia, Satellite Status for Baltics, Kreml Tactics, Russia unclaimed Inventions, Education of Working people, Baltic republics Colonies of USSR, Lithuanian Literature,Kremlin Empty Phrases to the Baltic People, Economic Cooperation in East West, Baltic Resistance, What the swedish Sailor saw in ccupied Latvia, De Stalinization in Hungary, Religion versus Communism, Politics of Baltic states, Lithanians Population, Deficiencies of Kolkhozes in Latvia, Diehard Kremlinist, Communist Propaganda, Soviet Cultural Invasion, Public Health in Estonia, Soviet Concept of Occupation the Baltics, Economic Aid, Student unrest in Lithuania, Western Illusions about Communism, Soviet economic, Lithuanian Parties, Hungary Soviet Barbarism, A Latvian in the Kremlin, Latvian Parties, Anniversary of enslavement, Development in Estonio from 1953, continued legal existence of the Baltics, communist novels of postwar struggle in Lithuania, Cultural progress in Lithuania, Estonians Struggle for Independence, Work norms and wage rates, Baltic prospect, last 40 years of Latvia, Nervousness of soviet propaganda, Lithuanian Theater, Political Status of Baltic sea, Khrushchevs new soviet school law, de l Milosz, Jurgis Baltrusaitis, Estonian Literature, Folklore in Soviet Latvia, Soviet Criminal legislation, Baltic sea, East west trust, Refugees, Molotow Ribbentrop pact, Soviet Views of Lithuanian Independence, Laws and Courts in Lithuania, Word war ermnants, Influx of Russians into Estonia, Battle of TannenbergBaltic Landscape, Latvian Literature 1940-41, Unused Springboard and insecure safety zone, Soviet Colonialism, Human rights, communist war on social parasits, polish evacuation of Vilnius 1920, Soviet claims and reality, Un and baltics, Agriculture in the baltics, Baltic Poetry, Life in Estonia, Consular relations between US and Baltics, Russian Chauvinism, Last stand, Baltics in the spiritual Spectrum of Europe, Lithuanian Alphabet, Religion, changes in Latvia since Stalins death, Russification of Latvia, Oppressors stage celebrations, Freedom Rall, eight estonian Poets, Religion in Lithuania, Protes against soviet industrialisation in Lithuania, fifty years of communist power, baltic case in light of history, Baltic gold in Britain, German role 1919European security and Baltics, and much others...
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