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Bild Lagernummer Titel Autor Jahr Preis
The+cardioid+and+tricuspid+quartics+with+three+cusps 18675 The cardioid and tricuspid quartics with three cusps Archibald 1903 14,52 €
The+Catholic+Clergy+against+the+Mexican+Government 35365 The Catholic Clergy against the Mexican Government Emilio Portes Gil 1934 34,00 €
The+centennial+review+Summer+1964%3B+Science+-+Slave+master+or+Helper+of+man%2C+Revisiting+the+two+Cultures%2C+A+humanist+delivers+an+uninvited+lecture+to+scientists%2C+why+literary+scholarship%2C+the+romantic+world+of+W.+R.+Hearst%2C+Broadcasting+Rights%2C+William+James%2C+The+mental+and+the+Physical 25736 The centennial review Summer 1964; Science - Slave master or Helper of man, Revisiting the two Cultures, A humanist delivers an uninvited lecture to scientists, why literary scholarship, the romantic world of W. R. Hearst, Broadcasting Rights, William James, The mental and the Physical Augenstein, Schenck, Settembrini, Williams, Macshane, Emery, San Juan, Leonard 1964 5,28 €
The+Channel+Pilot+Part+2++Coast+of+France+and+the+channel+Islands 18828 The Channel Pilot Part 2 Coast of France and the channel Islands Staff Commander John W. King 1906 18,48 €
The+Chinese+Classics++with+a+Translation%2C+Critical+and+Exegetical+Notes%2C+Prolegomena%2C+and+Copious+Indexes++Vol.+II++The+Works+of+Mencius 36073 The Chinese Classics with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes Vol. II The Works of Mencius James Legge 1895 180,00 €
The+Cinema+of+Orson+Welles 17056 The Cinema of Orson Welles Cowie Peter 1989 11,88 €
The+coal+fields+of+the+united+States+introduction+Ohio 8511 The coal fields of the united States introduction Ohio Campbell bownocker 1929 62,70 €
The+Coffee+industry+in+Brazil 24267 The Coffee industry in Brazil U.S. Departement of Commerce 1930 19,80 €
The+Comic+Almanack+and+Diary 31713 The Comic Almanack and Diary George Cruikshank 1852 112,50 €
The+Commonwealth+Trades+Alphabet 30155 The Commonwealth Trades Alphabet 1937 22,00 €
The+Cornell+University+Dairy+Herd+1889+to+1928%3B+Comparative+Value+of+Mature+sowa+and+Gilts+for+producing+Market+Hogs%3B+Marketing+Poultry%3B+Food+habits+of+North+Amercian+Diving+Ducks 21071 The Cornell University Dairy Herd 1889 to 1928; Comparative Value of Mature sowa and Gilts for producing Market Hogs; Marketing Poultry; Food habits of North Amercian Diving Ducks United States departement of Agriculture 1933 30,80 €
The+Crimea 22257 The Crimea . 1971 15,84 €
The+DANIA+Shoe+Machinery+Works+Ltd.+%28Catalogue+of+machines%2C+Katalog+von+Maschinen%29 25428 The DANIA Shoe Machinery Works Ltd. (Catalogue of machines, Katalog von Maschinen) 1928 49,50 €
The+Danube+and+the+Roumanian+Black+Sea+Ports 21887 The Danube and the Roumanian Black Sea Ports Moussou 1931 22,00 €
The+Decay+of+Timber++and+Methods+of+Preventing+it 26685 The Decay of Timber and Methods of Preventing it Hermann von Schrenk 1902 27,50 €
The+effect+of+Hyperthyroidisation+on+the+Plumage+of+Carnivorous+Birds 36142 The effect of Hyperthyroidisation on the Plumage of Carnivorous Birds Bralis 1931 7,00 €
The+Effect+of+Petroleum+oil+Sprays+on+Insects+and+Plants 16654 The Effect of Petroleum oil Sprays on Insects and Plants farrar 1936 5,28 €
The+Engineer+s+Year+Book+of+Formulae%2C+Rules%2C+Tables%2C+Data+and+Memoranda+in+Civil%2C+Mechanical%2C+Electrical%2C+Marine+and+Mine+Engineering 20585 The Engineer s Year Book of Formulae, Rules, Tables, Data and Memoranda in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Marine and Mine Engineering Kempe H. R. 1904 90,00 €
The+English+Struwwelpeter+or+Pretty+Stories+and+Funny+Pictures 27989 The English Struwwelpeter or Pretty Stories and Funny Pictures 1960 22,00 €
The+Evolution+of+Socialism+in+Czechoslovakia 33584 The Evolution of Socialism in Czechoslovakia Social Democratic Workers Party 1924 18,48 €
The+family+as+the+Tradition+Carrier++Conference+Proceedings+two+volumes 17845 The family as the Tradition Carrier Conference Proceedings two volumes Rüütel Kuutma 1996 18,48 €
The+Fauna+of+the+Ripley+Formation+on+Cook+Creek%2C+Tennessee+%28molluscoidea%2C+mollusca+%2C+main+part%29 14941 The Fauna of the Ripley Formation on Cook Creek, Tennessee (molluscoidea, mollusca , main part) Wade Bruce 1926 49,50 €
The+feeding+habits+of+Pseudomyrmine+and+other+Ants 17648 The feeding habits of Pseudomyrmine and other Ants Wheeler bailey 1920 5,28 €
The+Fight+to+Live 21076 The Fight to Live Raymond Ditmars 1940 9,24 €
The+Fishes+of+the+West+Coast+of+Peru+and+the+Titicaca+Basin 35332 The Fishes of the West Coast of Peru and the Titicaca Basin Evermann, Radcliffe 1917 22,00 €
The+Geographical+Review+October+1929 35001 The Geographical Review October 1929 1929 18,00 €
The+Geographical+Review+October+1930 35002 The Geographical Review October 1930 1930 18,00 €
The+geology+of+soils+and+substrata 3649 The geology of soils and substrata Woodward Horace B. 1912 33,00 €
The+Geology+of+the+Country+around+Aldershot+and+Guildford 35539 The Geology of the Country around Aldershot and Guildford Dines, Edmunds 1929 34,00 €
The+Geology+of+the+Country+around+Wrexham++Part+I.+Lower+Palaeozoic+and+lower+Carboniferous+Rocks 35536 The Geology of the Country around Wrexham Part I. Lower Palaeozoic and lower Carboniferous Rocks Wedd, Smith, Wills 1927 24,00 €