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The Times Atlas & Gazetteer of the World Selfridge Edition

Lagernummer: 32581
Jahr: 1922
Rubrik 0: Karten, Atlanten
Rubrik 1: Reise allgemein, Weltreisen
Preis: 120,00 €
Edinburgh 1922, contains Plate 10-21,23-31,44-104,111,112 not complete! no Titlepage and no Register, no Binding but Original Linen covering in good condition, Maps are all folded, big sized 30 x 45 cm, all coloured Maps are in very good condition, Maps are from:
Europe political, Europa Orography vegetation Ethnography Population, Western Europe Political, Eastern Europe Political, British Isles bathy Orographical, British Isles Vegetation Climate, British Isles Railways Industrial, British Isles Political, England Wales South Western, England Wales Northern, Scotland Southern, Ireland Northern, Ireland Southern, London, Towns of England Scotland, Belgium Holland, France Northwest, France Northeast, France Southwest, France Southeast, Baltic States East Prussia, Northern Russia Finland, Southern Russia, Rumania Adjacent States, Greece and Aegean, Asia Political, South Western Asia Political, Asian Minor Syria Mesopotamia, Palestine, Persia, Indian Ocean, India and Farther India Political, India Northwestern, India North Eastern, India Southern, Ganges Valley, Farther India, Malay Archipelago, China Political, Eastern China Political, Japanese Empire Political, Japan Environs of Tokio and Nagasaki, Siberia, Africa Political, Northern Africa, Central and Southern Afrika, South Africa, Cape Province Transvaal Western, Cape Province Transvaal Eastern, Central Africa Western, Central Africa Eastern, West Africa, North West Africa, Egypt and the Nile, Lower Egypt, Northern America Political, North Atlantic Ocean, Dominion of Canada Political, North Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland, Ontario and Quebec, Manitoba and North West Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan, British Columbia, United States Eastern Section, United States Central Section, United States Western Section, North Eastern States, Sketch Plans of American Cities, Mexico and Central America, The West Indies, South Atlantic Ocean, South America Political, South America Northern, South America Southern, Argentina Chili, South Pacific Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, Australia Political, New Zealand, Islands of Oceania. seperatly mapsare avaiable for 25 EUR each!!!
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